
  • 一年级
  • 2023-12-20

第一次工业革命英文?工业革命(英语:Industrial Revolution),又称产业革命,更准确地说是第一次工业革命,约于1760年代兴起,持续到1830年代至1840年代。在这段时间里,人类生产与制造方式逐渐转为机械化,出现了以机器取代人力、兽力的趋势,那么,第一次工业革命英文?一起来了解一下吧。








工业革命(The Industrial Revolution )开始于十八世纪六十年代,通常认为它发源于英格兰中部地区,是指资本主义工业化的早期历程,即资本主义生产完成了从工场手工业向机器大工业过渡的阶段。工业革命是以机器取代人力,以大规模工厂化生产取代个体工场手工生产的一场生产与科技革命。









The first time the industrial revolution influence to the world in the following aspects:

①the industrial revolution greatly improve the social productive forces and enriching people's material life, consolidate the capitalist countries rule. Capitalist production system was finally gained dominance,

②the industrial revolution promoted the new city of generation, speed up the process of urbanization,

③the industrial revolution promoted the development of the cause of science education and scientific communism come,

④the advanced production technology and production mode spreads to the world, hurled the old ideas and old system promoted world industrialization;

⑤the industrial revolution caused social structure of major change, industrial bourgeois gradually become the dominant part bourgeois. The proletariat also officially formation.

⑥the industrial revolution promoted world market formation. For global regions, nations and ethnic communication and future global integration laid a preliminary basis.






The industrial revolution first appeared in the workshop handicraft industry emerging cotton textile industry. In 1733, the mechanic Kay invented the flying shuttle, greatly improving the weaving speed, cotton was in short supply. In 1765, the weaver Hargreaves invented the" spinning Jeanne", greatly increased production of cotton yarn. " Jeanne spinning machine " appeared firstly in the cotton textile industry in the machine of the invention, innovation of chain reaction, opened in the industrial revolution. Thereafter, in the cotton textile industry has emerged in the mule machine, water conservancy machine weaving machine. Soon, in the mining, metallurgical and many other industrial sectors, also have the machine production. With the increase of machine production, original power such as animal, hydro and wind have been unable to meet the needs of. Bermingham in the UK, 1785, Watt made improved steam engine put into use, and provide more convenient power, get be popularized quickly, greatly promoted the spread and development of machine. The human society enters" the age of steam". The first industrial revolutionAlong with the industrial production of machine production gradually replaced manual operation, a new production organization form -- bourgeois factory was born. Around 1840, the British big machines has been largely replaced by factories and handicraft production, the industrial revolution completed. The British became the world 's first industrial nation.


The Industrial Revolution began in England in the early 18th century for

the following reasons:

1. England had experienced all of the forerunners of industrialization in the previous century: an agricultural revolution, cottage industry, and an expanded commercial revolution.These developments had built surplus capital and an infrastructure

(shipping, banking, insurance, joint stock companies).

2. England already had a handcraft textile industry using wool, but with the availability of cotton from overseas markets as an alternative raw material.

3. The scientific revolution in England prepared the way for new inventions to be applied to industry.

4. A spreading shortage of wood (used for energy, for shipbuilding and

construction) stimulated a search for alternatives.

5. England was rich in supplies of coal for energy and iron for construction.

6. England had a long, irregular coastline with many rivers and natural

harbors which provided easy transportation by water to many areas.

7. England's population grew rapidly in the 18th century, providing a labor

force for industry.


工业革命(英语:Industrial Revolution),又称产业革命,更准确地说是第一次工业革命,约于1760年代兴起,持续到1830年代至1840年代。在这段时间里,人类生产与制造方式逐渐转为机械化,出现了以机器取代人力、兽力的趋势,以大规模的工厂生产取代手工生产的一场革命,引发了现代的科技革命。由于机器的发明及运用成为了这个时代的标志,因此历史学家称这个时代为机器时代(the Age of Machines)。

