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展会英语口语,展览会 英语

  • 英语口语
  • 2024-01-20

展会英语口语?展会常用英语口语50句如下:1 i've come to make sure that your stay in beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。那么,展会英语口语?一起来了解一下吧。



全体乳猪 Roast whole suckling pig特色五福拼盘 Special five varieties葡国碳烧肉Portuguese roast pork脆皮靓烧鸡Crispy chicken湛江皇后水晶鸡Zhanjiang Crystal chicken金牌回香鸡Golden tasty chicken盐香脆皮鸡Salty crispy chicken高州葱油先鸡Gaozhou style shallot favour Chicken 蜜汁碳烧*烧Honey charcoal pork碳烧靓排骨Charcoal spare ribs骨香乳鸽Tasty baby pigeon锦绣烧味拼盘Assorted barbecue meat新派卤水拼盘New style soy sauce stewed meat新派卤水掌翼New style soy sauce stewed goose wing and feet新派卤水大肠头New style soy sauce stewed pig’s intestine新派卤水肚仔New style soy sauce stewed pig’s tomach新派卤水脚仔New style soy sauce stewed pig’s hoof盐焗肾片Baked salty chicken kidney凉拌海蜇Marinated cold jelly fish 刀拍黄瓜Marinated cold cucumber小食类Entree日式海蜇Japanese style Jelly Fish日式八爪鱼Japanese style Octopus凉拌青瓜Marinated cold cucumber凉拌粉皮Marinated cold bean pasty蒜香肾片Garlic taste kidney 蒜香猪耳仔Garlic taste pig’s ear麻辣凤爪Spicy hot chicken feet琥珀核桃Deep fried walnut in Syrup特别介绍Special Recommendation泰汁银雪鱼Codfish in Thai sauce甜麦豆炒带子北极贝Stir fry sweet bean scallops脆皮咸猪手Salty taste crispy trotterXO酱爆花枝片XO Soy Sauce Fry Flower Branch Pieces 芦笋蚌肉鸽片Stir fry boneless pigeon, mussel and asparagus盐焗猪肚Baked salty pig’s stomachXO酱爆生肠Stir fry intestines in XO sauce辣子鸡Stir fry chicken with hot chilli酥炸百花球Crispy fry flower ball酱爆竹肠Stir fry intestines with bean sauce黑椒蝴蝶骨Fry sphenoid with black pepper剁椒鱼咀Stir fry fish head with hot chili红葱头蒸鸡Braise chicken with shallot沙锅鱼头煲Braise fish head clay pot爆野兔Stir fry rabbit京葱爆驼峰肉Stir fry camel hump with shallot西芹腰果核桃肉Stir fry celery, cashew and walnut鲍汁百灵菇鹅肠Stir fry mushroom and goose intestine in abalone sauce 椒盐排骨Spicy spare ribs剁椒鱼咀Stir Fry fish mouth with chopped pepper尖椒猪肚Stir fry Pig’s Stomach with hot chili罗定豆豉鸡Luoding style braise chicken in bean sauce辣子鸡丁Stir fry chicken dices with hot chili鲍汁百灵菇Stir fry mushroom with abalone sauce 红葱头猪俐Stir fry pig’s tongue with onion盐焗肾片Salt Kidney Pieces蒜香骨Garlic tasty spare ribs栗干炆鸡Stew chicken with chestnut川汁鸡球Sichuan style chicken meat ball酱爆双脆Soy sauce fry double cracking水煮牛肉Poach beef with hot chili鲜鱿让鲮鱼胶Squid with fish stuffing豆腐鱼头煲Boil Fish Head with bean curd豉汁蒸排骨/鱼Steam spare ribs/fish with black bean sauce豉油王鹅肠Stir fry goose intestines with soy sauce姜葱爆牛肉Stir fry beef with ginger and shallot黑椒炒牛肉Stir fry beef with black pepper茶树菇蒸牛柳Steam beef and mushroom酱爆牛柳Stir fry beef in bean sauce剁椒鱼头Stir fry fish head with chopped hot chili生炒骨/酸甜排骨Sweet and sour spare ribs老坛子 Old crock海味什锦煲Stew seafood combination in clay pot泰式凤爪Thailand style chicken feet回锅肉Sichuan style stew pork梅菜蒸肉片Steam port with preserved vegetable西汁鸡扒Chicken with western sauce鲜淮山炆排骨Stew spare ribs with yam翠玉兰花 Stir fry broccoli酸茄黄金酿Brew sweet and sour eggplant双菇扒菜胆略Stir fry mushrooms牛肉炒蛋Stir fry beef and egg凉瓜炒牛肉Stir fry beef with bitter melon竹笙酿玉液Brew bamboo Shoot with wine金华娃娃菜Stir fry baby cabbage尖椒牛肉Stir fry beef with hot chili芦笋炒牛肉Stir fry beef and asparagus 西兰花超鱿鱼Stir fry squid and broccoli 西芹炒腊味Stir fry preserved ham and celeryXO酱爆鱿鱼Stir fry squid in XO sauce 韭菜花炒银鱼Stir fry whitebait with chives土豆炒肉片Stir fry pork with potato煲淋大芥菜Leaf mustard in soup三色蒸蛋Steam eggs丝瓜炒肉片/猪肝/猪什Stir fry pork/liver/bowels with gourd潮式大芥菜肉碎Chaozhou style mustard leaf and minced pork豆豉鲮鱼炒时蔬Stir fry fish and vegetable in black bean sauce节瓜虾米粉丝煲Stew dried shrimps, vermicelli and melon in clay pot凉瓜炒肉片Stir fry pork with bitter melon酸豆角炒肉碎Stir fry minced pork with pickle bean菜甫煎蛋Fry egg with vegetable榨菜肉丝韭黄Stir fry pork with pickle vegetable and leek上汤油菜Boil vegetable in chicken stock盐水菜芯Boil vegetable in salty water广州炒饭Guangzhou Fry Rice白玉藏珍’Treasures hides in white jade麻婆豆腐Sichuan style bean curd凉瓜炒蛋Fry Eggs with bitten melon炒油菜Stir fry vegetable茄子煲Stew eggplant clay pot蒜蓉炒丝瓜Stir fry gourd with garlic虎皮尖椒Tiger Skin fry pepper辣椒圈炒蛋Stir fry egg in hot chili酸辣土豆丝Chili and sour potato干炒牛河Dry fry rice noodles with beef肉片炒面Stir fry noodles with pork斋汤面Vegetarian noodle soup豆豉爆辣椒圈Stir fry hot chili with bean sauce老火例汤Soup of the day豆腐鱼头汤Fish head and bean curd soup番茄豆腐汤Tomato and bean curd soup紫菜蛋花汤Laver and egg soup椰子炖鸡Braise chicken in coconut土茯苓煲龟Tortoise with tuckahoe soup单尾品种Snacks and Desserts榴莲酥Durian Crisp Nosh *烧酥Barbecued Pork Crisp Nosh 萝卜酥 Turnip Crisp Nosh 蛋挞 Egg custard nosh 咸甜薄撑Salt/Sweet pancake 潮式煎饼Chaozhou style pancake 番茨饼Sweet potato pancake 黄金饼Golden cake 葱油饼Shallot pancake 香煎生肉包Fried minced pork bun 鸳鸯馒头Assorted steamed bun 炸馒头Fried bunpork with preserved vegetable 梅菜扣肉 steamed minced pork with salt fish 咸鱼蒸肉饼 sauté diced pork fillet with brown sauce 酱炸里脊丁 ham with fresh bamboo shoots 鲜笋火腿 braised pork leg 红烧猪蹄 pig tripe with chili sauce 麻辣猪肚 sliced meat and liver with fried rice crust 双片锅巴 pork chops with bean sauce 豆豉排骨 pork chops with sweet and sour sauce 糖醋排骨 sauté pork cubelets with hot pepper 宫保肉丁 meat with cayenne pepper 麻辣白肉 braised pork tendons 红烧蹄筋 meat balls braised with brown sauce 红烧狮子头 fried crisp pork slices with sugar powder 糖粉酥肉 roasted suckling pig 烤乳猪 fried crisp pork 脆皮锅酥肉 stewed pork with preserved bean curd 腐乳炖肉 braised pork slices in soy sauce 红烧扣肉 quick-fried pork and scallions 葱爆肉 sweet and sour pork 咕噜肉 steamed pork with rice flavor in lotus leaves 荷叶粉蒸肉 double cooked pork slices 回锅肉 beef with orange peel 陈皮牛肉 mutton shashlik 烤羊肉串 rinse-mutton / mutton slices rinsed in chafing dish 涮羊肉 mutton braised in brown sauce 红烧羊肉汤类:consommé 清汤 chowder 羹 double-stewed soup 老火汤 pork and radish soup 连锅汤 three fresh delicacies soup 三鲜汤 five-flavored mutton soup 五滋汤 shark’s fin soup 鱼翅汤 scallop soup 干贝汤 snake potage with eight delicacies 八珍蛇羹 stewed white gourd soup with eight ingredients 八宝冬瓜盅 ginseng and black hen soup 人参炖乌鸡 laver egg soup 紫菜蛋花汤 soup with bamboo shoots and fresh mush 竹笋鲜蘑汤 mushroom soup 清炖冬菇汤 Mt. Lushan stone fungus soup 庐山石耳汤 sliced roast 火鸭芥菜汤 mashed chicken and asparagus soup 芦笋鸡茸汤 consommé of snow egg with bean sprouts 豆苗鞭蓉蛋汤 hors d’oeuvers Jinjiang style 锦江拼盆 butterfly-shaped appetizer 蝴蝶冷盆 assorted appetizer 什锦冷盘 eight-diagram-shaped appetizer 太极八卦 spiced chicken liver and gizzard 卤鸡珍肝 shredded boiled pork meat 卤牛肉 spicy chicken giblets 卤鸡杂 salted duck gizzards 盐水鸭肫 duck wing tips 鸭翅膀 cold duck web 拌鸭掌 duck flippers with mustard sauce 芥末鸭掌 spiced peanuts 五香花生仁 sauté sword beans with dried shrimps 开洋炝刀豆 pickled hot vegetables 泡辣菜 cold vermicelli with mustard and meat shreds 冷拌粉皮 wine preserved crabs 醉蟹 boiled shrimps with salt 咸水虾 sliced pork tripe in hot chili oil 红油肚片 chicken pickled in fermented rice wine sauce 糟鸡 roast duck / goose 烧鸭(鹅) multi-flavor chicken 怪味鸡 spiced beef 麻辣牛肉条 mixed meat in aspic 白切肉 sauté meat and vegetable 什锦肉冻 marinated chicken feet 五香凤爪 spiced marinated chicken 五香酱鸡 chicken skin with mustard sauce 芥末鸡皮 chicken slices with bean jelly sheets 鸡丝粉皮 chicken sings with chili sauce and sesame paste 辣味麻酱鸡翅 roast duck shred in sauce 拌烤鸭丝 duck cutlets with sesame paste 麻酱鸭块 stewed salt-preserved duck 桂花盐水鸭 shrimp chip 虾片 cucumber with jellyfish and dried shelled shrimp 瓜皮虾 raw fish in sauce 生拌鱼bird’ s nest in crystal sugar 冰糖燕窝 braised snipe in port wine 红酒烧竹鸡 grilled young pigeon 铁扒乳鸽 minced quail 鹌鹑松 eggs preserved in wine 糟蛋 pickled egg 酱蛋 egg in tea 茶叶蛋 spiced goose wing tps and webfeet 蒸腊鹅 spiced goose, Chaozhou style 潮州卤鹅 roast goose, Chaozhou style 潮州烧雁鹅 braised whole duck in soy sauce 红烧全鸭 spiced duck 五香鸭 steamed Nanjing salted duck 蒸南京板鸭 roast Beijing duck 北京烤鸭 sliced chicken in wine sauce 香糟鸡片 deep fried spring chicken 炸童子鸡 steamed chicken in lotus leaf packets 荷叶粉蒸鸡 fried chicken in paper packets 炸纸包鸡 chicken in orange flavor 陈皮鸡 curry chicken 咖喱鸡 braised chicken in casserole 砂锅鸡 mud-baked chicken 叫化子鸡













【 #英语口语#导语】要从事相关英语方面的工作必须要进行英语口语面试,这个对应聘者的英语听说能力要求比较高。去面试之前一定要有非常充分的准备。下面是由 考 网整理的外贸面试英语口语对话【四篇】,一起来了解下吧!


A: To start with, may I know why you are interested in working for our company?

A:我想问下, 你为什么有兴趣来我们公司工作?

B: First of all, as far as 1 know,your company has had impressive records in business.Second,I want to enter the foreign trade field.

B:第一,据我所知,贵公司卓越的业绩给人留下深刻的印象。第二, 我想从事外贸行业。

A: What was your chief responsibility in your past work?


B:I am in charge of marketing activities in Southeast Asia, for example, organizing trade conferences and arranging exhibitions.

B:我负责东南亚的市场营销活动, 比如说,组织贸易洽谈会,安排展会等。



Chapter 1 Meeting and Seeing off外宾接待

Meeting Foreign Guests 迎接外宾/2

Introducing Each Other 互相介绍/8

Visiting a Factory 参观生产车间/13

Having Business Dinner 商务会餐/20

Accompanying Shopping 陪同购物/26

Sightseeing 带客观光/34

Arranging Hotels 安排住宿/43

Seeing Foreign Guests Off 送别外宾/49

Chapter 2 Business Travel外贸出差

In the Plane 在飞机上/56

Checking Luggage 行李托运/63

Exchanging Money 货币兑换/69

Visiting Clients 拜访客户/75

Transportation 交通出行/81

Western Food 品味西餐/87

At the Hotel 入住酒店/92

Checking Out 离店付款/100

Chapter 3 Trade Marketing外贸营销

Booth Booking 预订展位/108

Show Preparation 展会准备/114

Advertising 广告宣传/121

Introduction to Products 产品介绍/130

Promotional Events 促销活动/139

Market Survey 考察市场/146

Quality and Pricing 质量和定价/153

Customer Services 客服/161

Chapter 4 Forms of Trade贸易形式

Compensation Trade 补偿贸易/168

Barter Trade 易货贸易/175

Consignment Sales 寄售贸易/181

Agents 代理/187

Technology Transfer 技术转让/199

Joint Venture 合资企业/206

Bid 招标/215

Tender 投标/222

Chapter 5 Trade Office外贸办公

Office Facilities 办公设备/232

Conference Preparations 会议筹备/240

Business Correspondence 商业信函/248

Typing and Photocopying 打字复印/254

Sending a Fax 发传真/258

Using a Computer 电脑使用/264

Emails 电子邮件/273

Managing Documents 档案管理/279

Chapter 6 Declaration of Goods商品报关

Commodity Inspection 商品检验/288

Inspections at Customs 海关检查/296

Customs Clearance 海关通关/301

Business Visa 商务签证/309

International Taxation 国际税收/316

Packing 包装/323

Shipment 装运/332

Departure and Entry 出入境/338

Chapter 7 Practical Operations贸易实务

Inquiry 询盘/346

Offer 发盘/352

Counteroffer 还盘/359

Order and Delivery 订货与交货/366

Online Sales 网上销售/373

Discount and Commission 折扣和佣金/382

Terms of Payment 付款方式/389

Insurance and Compensation 保险与赔偿/397






e.g. We mainly deal in home furnishings, but also do office furniture.


(2)custom 名词有“习惯,风俗,海关,关税,常客”的意思,作为形容词的话有“定做的,定制的”的意思。

e.g. custom table-cloth, custom color



1.the quantity you want

2.the size of the order (这里的size 是指订货数量的数量,而不是单子本身的大小哦)

