
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2023-12-22

美好的回忆英语怎么说?美好的回忆英文:happy memories memory 读法 英 ['mem(ə)rɪ] 美 ['mɛməri]作名词的意思是:记忆,记忆力;内存,[计] 存储器;回忆 短语:1、in memory of 纪念…2、那么,美好的回忆英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。

Happy memories的例句


nice memory.

wonderful 用得太重,


sweet 用在度蜜月的回忆好些。



Beautiful memories are always in our hearts. They are like a precious treasure, which can bring us warmth and joy.

I. Childhood Memories

When I was a child, I had a lot of beautiful memories. I remember when I was in kindergarten, I was so excited to go to school every day. I was so happy to play with my friends and learn new things. I also remember when I was in primary school, I was so proud to be able to read and write. I was so excited to learn new things and make new friends.

II. Family Memories

I also have a lot of beautiful memories with my family. I remember when I was a child, my parents would take me to the park and we would have a picnic together. I remember when I was a teenager, my parents would take me to the movies and we would have a great time together. I also remember when I was a young adult, my parents would take me out to dinner and we would have a great time together.

III. Vacation Memories

I also have a lot of beautiful memories from my vacations. I remember when I was a child, my family would go on vacation to the beach and we would have a great time together. I remember when I was a teenager, my family would go on vacation to the mountains and we would have a great time together. I also remember when I was a young adult, my family would go on vacation to the city and we would have a great time together.

IV. Special Memories

I also have a lot of special memories that I will never forget. I remember when I graduated from high school, my family and friends were so proud of me. I remember when I got married, my family and friends were so happy for me. I also remember when I had my first child, my family and friends were so excited for me.

No matter how much time passes, these beautiful memories will always be in my heart. They are like a precious treasure, which can bring me warmth and joy. They will always be a part of me and I will cherish them forever.


bright remembrance




新英语900句之生活篇 Lesson42:Sweet Memories美好的回忆 ,616. Do you remember how the flowers used to *** ell on our farm?


617. You were wearing the blue dress on our first date.


618. I loved to sit under that oakv tree as a child.


619. Some of my best memories are from college.


620. These pictures bring back some great memories.


621. Fresh grass always reminds me of childhood summers.


622. I love New York in the summer.



美好的回忆A Beautiful Memory 美好的回忆Er ... the loveliest house that I’ve ever lived in was one that I lived in with my grandparents when I was a child. And the name of the house was Crosslands. And I have some very happy memories of Crosslands.

It was, it seemed so huge to me as a child. And it had a lovely living room with a piano in it and a lovely sort of hall with lots of carpets and chests and antiques and so on. And there was a mysterious room, it was the drawing room, and we only used it on Sundays, or when the vicar came for tea, or Christmas Day or Easter Day, and I was - used to be amazed about this room because it had the best furniture in it but it was covered up with sheets - it was as if all the furniture was wearing clothes - and it seemed to me ridiculous that we couldn’t en- joy this beautiful furniture all the week through really.

And probably my favorite room was the kitchen. It had a lovely red flagstone floor, which was always highly polished, and an Aga, you know one of those big cookers that heats the whole room so it was always warm there, and there was a kind of clothes-horse above it that we used to hang all our clothes on, and it was just- it was lovely. It was a very warm room with baked bread and - my grandmother used to make ice cream and we’d eat it in there and ... there was a vegetable garden leading from there so I spent a lot of time in the vegetable garden picking peas and eating them - my grandmother used to get really cross with me because I used to pick all the vegetables and the fruit for our meals and then I’d eat half of them, because they tasted so delicious coming fresh from the garden.

Now, I went back to it a few years ago and it was a big mistake. They’ve modernized it inside, they’ve got rid of those lovely old fire- places... have just gone. And they’ve knocked a wall down so the drawing room and the living room have become one big modern plastic kind of room.

But I think what upset me most about it was the feeling that the house had shrunk, it had become smaller and that my memory of this lovely large warm comfortable house had turned into an old house with modernized rooms inside it. And it taught me a lesson really, that you can’t go back on the past and recapture it. But there’s a beautiful memory there.


以上就是美好的回忆英语怎么说的全部内容,最地道的应该是:nice memory.wonderful 用得太重,外国佬用词并不重的.sweet 用在度蜜月的回忆好些。beautiful是Chinglish.不好。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
