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  • 2024-01-26

阿里巴巴英语介绍?阿里巴巴(Alibaba)名词 1.Ali Baba(a character from arabic folk tale)Alibaba Group(阿里巴巴集团)补充:阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司(简称:阿里,巴巴集团)是马,云带领下的18位创始人于1999年在浙江省杭州市创立的公司。那么,阿里巴巴英语介绍?一起来了解一下吧。



阿里巴巴(英语:Alibaba Corporation;港交所:1688),为小企业电子商务公司,也是阿里巴巴集团的旗舰业务。1999年由马云在杭州成立,2003年5月,建立个人网上贸易市场淘宝网,2004年10月,成立支付宝公司。







1.Ali Baba(a character from arabic folk tale)

Alibaba Group(阿里巴巴集团)





Alibaba.com (HKSE:1688), a member of the Alibaba Group of companies,

is one of the world's premier e-commerce brands and the number one

online marketplace for global and domestic China trade. We provide an

efficient, trusted platform connecting small and medium-sized buyers and

suppliers from around the world. Our international marketplace

(www.alibaba.com) focuses on global importers and exporters and our

China marketplace (www.alibaba.com.cn) focuses on suppliers and buyers

trading domestically in China. Together our marketplaces form a

community of more than 24 million registered users from over 200

countries and regions.

Our operational headquarters is based in

Hangzhou in eastern China. We have field sales and marketing offices in

more than 30 cities in China, Hong Kong, Switzerland and the United

States. The company had more than 4,400 full-time employees as of June

30, 2007.

History & Milestones

Jack Ma, our lead

founder and chairman, and 18 other founders launched Alibaba.com in his

Hangzhou apartment in 1999. Originally, Alibaba.com operated as a

bulletin board service for businesses to post buy and sell trade leads,

and later became a vibrant marketplace for small and medium enterprises

around the world to identify potential trading partners and interact

with each other to conduct business online. Alibaba.com listed on the

Hong Kong Stock Exchange on November 6, 2007 and is the flagship

business of the Alibaba Group.

October 2000 Gold Supplier membership launched to serve China exporters.

August 2001 International TrustPass membership launched to serve exporters outside of China.

March 2002 China TrustPass membership launched to serve SMEs engaging in domestic China trade.

July 2002 Keyword services launched on our international marketplace.

November 2003 TradeManager instant messaging software launched to enable users to communic

cate in real time on our marketplaces.

March 2005 Keyword bidding launched on our China marketplace.

April 2007 Gold Supplier membership launched to serve Hong Kong exporters.

November 2007 Alibaba.com listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, under stock code 1688.

Awards & Honors


Ⅰ 用英文描述马云的经历

from Wiki

Ma Yun (Chinese: 马云, [mà y̌n]; born September 10, 1964),known professionally as Jack Ma, is a Chinese business magnate who is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a conglomerate of Inter-based businesses.

He is one of China's richest men, as well as one of the wealthiest people in Asia, with a worth of US$46.9 billion, as of October 2017. He has bee a global icon in business and entrepreneurship, one of the world's most influential busines *** en, and a philanthropist known for expounding his philosophy of business. He was ranked 2nd in Fortune's 2017 "World's 50 Greatest Leaders" list.

Ma is one of the world's most powerful people, and has been a global inspiration to many, giving numerous lectures, enlightenments and advices throughout his life career.

Ⅱ 关于中国互联网之父马云的英语作文

In 1999, resign from the public position formally, establishment the website of 巴 , expand the electronic merce applied, is the business of B2B particularly.Current, the is an one of the biggest the website of B2B of worlds. the success of the website of , make horse cloud got to invite many times world a high etc. university speak to learn, center include fertile a college of merce, province science and engineering, Harvard...etc. of the second university in in method in in guest. 1988-1995 Hangzhou electronics the faculty of engineering English and international trade lecturer; 1995-1997 establishment China the first Inter business information announces the website" Chinese yellow page"; 1997- bee number of the outside economic trade a Chinese international electronic merce center in 1999, develop the outside economic trade an authorities stands to order and last Chinese modity exchange in market; Establish the up to now in 1999 the website of , and bee the biggest B2B of world electronic merce terrace quickly, now already biggest indivial in Asia forced sale website; The square electronics in independent the third in establishment pays the terrace in 2003, current reside the first in the Chinese market. The 2005 cooperates with the biggest gate in world website Yahoo strategy, annexing its in allly property, the therefore bees the Chinese biggest Inter pany. Bee up to now in 2006 the see o sets of 《s win in Chinese 》 most contain special features, most was by the influence , still use Chinese Yahoo with the wins for the 《 to provide the terrace in the Chinese 》 authorities website.The 《 wins to sponsor the person in the Chinese 》 :King benefit

Ⅲ 马云故事的简介,要写进作文里的,不能太长,要写到他经历的挫折



阿里巴巴(英语:Alibaba.com Corporation;港交所:1688),中国最大的网络公司和世界第二大网络公司,是由马云在1999年一手创立企业对企业的网上贸易市场。2003年5月,投资一亿元人民币建立个人网上贸易市场——淘宝网。2004年10月,阿里巴巴投资成立支付宝公司,面向中国电子商务市场推出基于中介的安全交易服务。阿里巴巴在香港成立公司总部,在中国杭州成立中国总部,并在海外设立美国硅谷、伦敦等分支机构、合资企业3家,在中国北京、上海、浙江、山东、江苏、福建、广东等地区设立分公司、办事处十多家。


其实并不是be to be,而是B to B(B2B),全称是Business to Business,是指企业与企业之间的电子商务。此外还有B2C(企业对消费者)、C2B(消费者对企业)、C2C(消费者对消费者)、B2G(企业与政府之间的电子商务)。


以上就是阿里巴巴英语介绍的全部内容,大家好,我是马云,阿里巴巴集团的创始人和董事会主席。Hello, i'm Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group。15年前,在我的公寓里,18位创始人有了一个梦。这个梦想就是,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
